December 23, 2022 admin No Comments Medical Device Reporting Welcome to your Medical Device Reporting Quiz Enter Your Full Name Enter Your Email 1. Which of the following are true statements, choose all the apply: a. It is safe for unvaccinated healthcare workers to care for Covid positive clients if they follow CDC guidelines. b. There are very specific guidelines from the CDC on caring for a Covid client in the home. c. Household members who are not positive should be separated from the patient as much as possible including sleeping arrangements. D. Sick patients can take care of their own pets. None 2. At what point would you call the patient’s healthcare provider? a. They have a temperature of 99.1 b. They are having bodyaches. c. They are complaining it’s getting harder to breathe. d. They are feeling ok but tired. None 3. Which of the following are true statements, choose all that apply: a. You can go ahead and touch your face, eyes, nose with gloves on. b. There is no reason to clean frequently touched areas in the home. c. Gloves and disposable facemasks should be disposed of after each use. None 4. How long does it take a normal adult to build immunity from a Covid 19 vaccine? a. 6 weeks b. 3 weeks c. 2 weeks d. 5 weeks None 5. True or False: The Covid Vaccine has proven to be safe and effective for adults. a. True b. False None 6. True or False: Once vaccinated you can resume activities as desired. a. True b. False None 7. What are the 3 different types of white blood cells that our body uses to fight infection? a. C Lymphocytes, X Lymphocytes, Minorphages b. Macrophages, B Lymphocytes, T Lymphocytes c. Immune cells, T cells, Red Blood Cells None 8. Is the antigen or the antibody the “dangerous invader” in the infectious process? a. Antigen b. Antibody None 9. Which of the following are true statements, choose all that apply? a. The germ is detected as an invader by the body. b. The body creates an antibody to fight the germ/virus. c. The vaccines are designed to give the body “memory” instructions on how to fight the virus. d. The 2 shot vaccine has proven to be the most effective with the least amount of side effects so far. None 10. True or False: A virus that cannot replicate or spread, cannot mutate. a. True b. False None Time's up